Sunday, February 3, 2008

Thing 2. What is Library 2.0?

I just read John Blyberg's blog post and liked Sarah Houghton's comment in her definition of L2 " make the library a destination and not an afterthought." BUT--what do we keep, what do we change, and what new "things" do we need to be doing to make the library a destination for "all" ages?
WHAT do you want? What DO you want? What do YOU want? What do you WANT?
Tell me. I want to know.


At February 6, 2008 at 7:30 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, boy, do I have things that I want!

Good job on running with the 23 Things. Somehow I knew you'd eat this learning thing up with a spoon!

Enjoy the blogosphere...

At March 20, 2008 at 7:41 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

What do people want? Look at Barnes and Noble?

It's hip, trendy, they serve overpriced mocha-latte-ccino-diecci with a twist.

Ok, I'm kidding about the coffe, but look at what people like. Look at Starbucks, Barnes and Noble, coffee and bookstores that are thriving.

Wireless hotspots accessible with library card and a password for my laptop?

I'm just throwing things out there.


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